Meet the Mom

Priya Magesh – Mother | Blogger | Reader

Hi! I am glad you discovered my blog. My two adorable boys Krish 13 yrs & Girish 9 yrs old, keep me active all day. I use this platform to write about our younger son, Girish, and his autism diagnosis.

When I get some break from my busy family, I either work on this blog or relax with an enthralling ebook in my Kindle.

The Autism journey with my 9-year-old son has taught me that no triumph is too small to celebrate life.

We are on the journey of autism for the past 8 yrs. It’s forever a roller coaster during my younger child’s development.

There are days when I am low-spirited, and life seems gloomy. Nevertheless, with some reminders to myself, I bounce back like a rubber ball, thanks to my Positive mindset.

Raising a child with autism is one of the most challenging responsibilities any parent can face.  — Positive Parenting for Autism, Victoria Boone MA BCBA

My early days in the autism journey

You might find a plethora of websites for autism. There are so many personal blogs in the social media where a caregiver vents her unhappy story. 

Nonetheless, in the early stages of my Autism journey, I was incognizant and incapable. It was challenging to navigate the whole system, be it assessment, school, therapy, and not to overlook the isolation that comes with it. I never found a single platform that would guide me and motivate me while I was struggling for my younger son, Girish’s progress.

As years passed, fortunately, everything fell in place, and I further became secure with various tools and support to maneuver efficiently to handle my son’s Autism challenges.

That’s when I determined to help many families who deal with a similar situation in the early years of their child’s autism. Therefore, I started this blog with a mission.

My Mission

The mission of my blog is to bring empowerment to parents, caregivers who feel isolated after their child is diagnosed with autism, by providing guidance, encouragement with tips, tools, inspiration, and positive upliftment to face the challenges and stress in the Autism journey.

  • Through this blog, I will assist parents with Early Intervention tips for their child, who newly had an Autism diagnosis.
  • I will provide guidance, encouragement with tips, and tools based on my experiences that will inspire you to come out of your grief and look at your child with a new ray of hope.
  • The purpose is also to further assist parents with children under 10 yrs old on the spectrum.
  • With numerous therapies, learning strategies, and tools used for my son’s progress, I will share my experiences and challenges that will benefit your child and will help you face the challenge of your child’s development without being intimidated.
  • Here parents will additionally discover guidance, inspiration, and positive upliftment to face the challenges and stress in the Autism journey.

I also aspire to bring awareness to the Autism community, and I want my readers to become empowered by our journey.

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For guidance…

If they can’t learn the way we teach, then we teach the way they learn.

Dr. O. Ivarr Lovaas

You can be sad, angry, upset, anxious, drained, overwhelmed, unsure or afraid and still be Positive.

Autism never come with an intruction guide. It will come with a family who will never give up.

Kerry Margo

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